Thursday, December 27, 2007

Relationships: Why Does Your Boyfriend Leave You

One day, your boyfriend leaves you after a long time being accquainted each other. And then, you ask yourself that why? Let me help you figure out what went wrong!

There are a number of things that may make a man want to leave, some decent reasons and some stupid reasons. Not all of them can you do anything about, but a lot are pretty easily fixed if it's not too late. You'll find that many relationships can be pulled back together if only you know what was wrong, so I'm going to help you out and list off some of the chief culprits.

1) One of the biggest things guys run away from is a bossy, controlling woman. Some women seem to feel that they're entitled to be in our faces and up our hinders 24/7, even when they're not physically with us (in which case usually they attack us by proxy via constant cellphone calls demanding where we are). This is complete folly...as funny as it may seem to watch some guy in a movie get hounded by his bossy wife, in real life it's not something people just laugh off. It's something that makes guys run off.

So try to ease up a bit on the guy, if you catch yourself doing this sort of thing to him. Nobody should have to be constantly looking over his shoulder to see if his girlfriend is still watching him like a hawk. If you don't have trust, you don't have anything, so loosen up on the reins a tad.

2) A painful reason for a guy to leave his girl is when there's another person in the picture. Whether it's the woman who's cheating on him, or he has someone else he's either interested in or has already started getting with, a LOT of relationships are pulled apart by outside interference, usually invited in by one of the people in the relationship.

It's not a difficult thing to keep from ruining your relationship. Best way is prevention. On YOUR part, it's very simple...don't cheat. Just don't. To keep him from cheating, all you can really do is make sure he's getting what he needs at home. This doesn't necessarily even mean all the kinky sex his heart desires, just the attention he needs from a woman needs to come from you, or else he'll start kinda wandering until he finds it from another.

3) When a relationship gets kind of old and stale, and nobody's really investing a whole lot into it anymore...you could have problems holding onto him. Inactivity is a serious killer of relationships, and it seriously saddens me to think about it. Whatever the reason, be it work, class, or friends...sometimes people just don't have the appropriate time to spend with one another, and that can lead down an unhappy road.

Best way to keep him interested and with you is to try to keep stuff interesting and spontaneous. Spend whatever time together the two of you can, and if there isn't any time...MAKE time. It's really important that the two of you manage to keep together, because there's really no reason why two people that love each other should get bored and call it quits.

And those are the top 3 reasons guys generally leave...I'm not saying no guy has ever left because of something not on this list, but the majority of the male-initiated breakups are related to one of these three things. So now that you know some of the stuff to look out for, you can start fixing your life!

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Dating Tips: Rules for your dating

The are some rules when we get dating that we forgot when we grow up, are you still remember on your first date, your friend give you advice such as, no you never say that, yes you should do this, but no you never do that. And those rules or advice we apply when evertime we meet someone but then we soeet someone and fall in love and built relantionship, one by one thing we learned from our first dates are loses and are in fact unlearned.

Then one day if you want to begin your first date you already forgot we wear the wrong clothes, laugh at bad joke like a fool date the wrong people. Generraly get it all badly wrong. You need some rules for the dating, to get the successful date.

Tips - Do's

1. Do try to look your best and be punctual on dates

2. Do have fun when dating. I know the subject of Mr. or Miss Right is serious but dating is fun too so keep it that way.

3. Do flatter and compliment your date on the way they look and the things they wear. People tend to go to a lot of effort on a date (hopefully) so being told that you are looking good is a nice thing to hear.

4. Be interested and interesting. As the Pet Shop Boys once said, I was never bored because I was never being boring" or something similar. You get my drift.

5. Do tell someone if you are not interested in dating them again. Being lied to and hopes kept alive is an evil and malicious act (yes I mean it that strongly). If you don't want to see someone again then let them know that in the nicest possible way you can.

6. Do date the type of people you like and are attracted to, whatever your friends may say. Approval by your peers doesn't prove a thing.

7. Do stay positive even when dates don't end well. It is most certainly true that you will date a few frogs before you find a prince. Along the way you will meet some nice people too and make some good contacts possibly.

8. Dating is a creative diversion, it requires concentration and energy so when you are dating keep some plans in the forefront of your mind and allow dating to take you to places you always wanted to visit within your own city.

9. Do make dating happen for yourself. People will not come and ring your bell from nowhere. Dating requires positive action so go out there and meet people, as many people as you can. Practice your chat and flirting on shop workers, bar attendants, anywhere and everywhere. Being nice to people is very sexy and great fun.

10. Do surround yourself with positive like minded people who are also dating. Think about the girls from Sex and the City and how they assist each other in dating and matters of romance. Negative friends who don't condone the dating scene or don't understand it will only help lower your own expectations and make you feel negative.

Tips - Don'ts

1. Never call someone more than once a day unless they reply. Desperation and instability are huge turn offs.

2. Don't date the people who you usually find dump you. You may be generally attracted to bastards but that will not get you anywhere except hurt.

3. For men, never ever be late for a date, even if you have a very good reason. Women should never be kept waiting and should never have to seat themselves - ever.

4. Never tell lies to your date or pretend anything about your life that isn't true. If this is your perfect match for God's sake do not allow it to be ruined by some silly lie told early on.

5. Never be too available. Being available every night of the week and at the end of every whimsical phone call or possible rendezvous means you are making yourself uninteresting and a possible doormat. Be busy, be unavailable generally and be interesting.

6. Don't give away too much about yourself at the start. People love enigma and mystery. Revealing to your new date your inner most secrets on date number two will quickly ruin everything. A small bit at a time people.

7. Never check other people out when you are with your date. You may think you are subtle , your date will be heading for the door. Have the courtesy of concentrating solely on your date when you are with them.

8. Don't be rude or get drunk on a date. Courtesy and manners will get you everywhere.

9. Don't ignore your personal safety when dating. Have a cellular phone and keep it charged, tell your friends where you are going and be safe. Date at first in well known public places and never ever be pushed into anything you are not happy with.

10. Don't give out personal information like home phone numbers and addresses on a first date. Keep them until you are sure of your date and the future possibilities.

11. Don't have sex on a first date if you ever want to see your new date again. If you like them and are interested in them, sex on a first date will usually ruin everything. Its too much too soon and is not the way of romance. Believe me I am 100% certain on this.

12. Never date a married person. They will not leave their husbands or wives for you (except exceptionally rarely). Married dating is the sure fire way to misery, lies, deceit, lack of self respect and loss of romance. If you are married, separate first. If you are single, don't be a shoulder to cry on, you deserve far better.

Dating tips: How To Ask A Girl Out for Date

Probably the most common questions guys have about dating is. "How do I ask a girl out on a date?"

It can feel like complete torture to most men. Some guys would rather cut off their arm then go up to an attractive women, and see if they would like to go out sometime.

I have a solution to this problem for you guys. It will completely shock you with its simplicity. You ready?

Stop asking women out! (at least the way you have been)

When you ask a women out. She immediately gets into "date mode." She starts thinking about, the commitment, the awkward conversation, does she have time for a person in her life right now.

You might think, a women won't think about all that when the question arises. One thing you need to remember is, women think with their feelings, not their words.

There are a couple reasons you don't want to ask a women on a date.

When asking a girl out on a date, she will automatically see if she's attracted to you or not. She has to figure out her interest level in you in less then a minute.

What is it you need to know? A woman doesn't want to lead a guy on. But she also isn't sure if she is interested in you at that very moment. So when you see someone on the street and you ask for her number. She will tend to say No. It doesn't necessarily mean you weren't her type. But you made her decide "On the Spot" if she wanted to give you her personal information.

Most women are not attracted to you immediately. Unless its on looks alone. If you rely on pure sex appeal, your really relying on "luck."

Here's the better approach.

Don't move so fast. Be patient.

What is the most relaxed environment for a date?

Going out to dinner. Where you both will have to be on your best behavior. Where the romantic setting will not allow you both to feel more at ease and casual.

Or, a fun environment such as an amusement park or sporting event. Somewhere where you both can let your guard down and have a little fun. So that you can really be yourself.

Keep this in your mind. The dinner might have more of an edge you were hoping for. But you need to keep HER needs in mind. It's about forgetting what you want. Long enough, that she can believe you will give her what SHE wants.

What you need to do is start low. If you meet a women on the street. Ask her if she has a few minutes for coffee or tea. Take the opportunity to get to know her. If she doesn't have time for a drink. Then ask for her phone number and/or email address. Since she may not want to accept at this moment with such a casual invitiation for coffee/tea. She's more likely to agree to give out her contact information. Most likely, writing it down for you.

The main key is to come off as confident but fun. Even a little innocent teasing can be helpful so she doesn't feel too weirded out by giving you her personal information

Monday, December 24, 2007

Dating In the first time for a man. Are you confusing..?

You are a guy who knows how to date, you are a guy who hasn't dated in years, you are a handsome guy who has never been successful with women. Whatever your situation there are some common dating rules to follow when venturing into the dating jungle. These rules are simply to protect your emotional state and to ensure even handed success. Women are trained from day one in the art of dating warfare. They have a physical and emotional arsenal that you may never hope to match.

But don't be outgunned, be prepared my friends as the dating battle isn't over yet buddy.

1. Look your best. Get some decent clothes and shoes. Women always look at your shoes even if the last time you checked your Nike's out was 1996. Get clothes that fit you, suit you and are contemporary. Don't just buy one outfit, sort out your entire wardrobe. If you can't take care of yourself, how are you going to take care of her? Oh yes and buy a good well tailored suit, there is no excuse not to.

2. Get your hygiene and styling sorted out. Down to the barbers and sort out your hair, get a decent style if possible. If you don't have much hair still get down to the salon and either get your head shaved or something you can handle. Then it is off to the shops with you for good quality cologne and a grooming kit. Yes that means some expense. Men are so often criticized for smelling bad. Get into a regular showering routine and smell good always. Women appreciate it.

3. Sort out your job if you have one. Women want a man who has some ambition in life so coasting along as a skateboard instructor is generally not going to win you a real catch (by the way I love skateboarding!). Any job is better than none, but knuckle down and sort out some direction in your life. Change job if need be but at least try and look like you you have something of a career. If you have a manual job, at least have some plans to work for yourself. If you already do, then you are on the right track but know what you are about work wise and have some idea of your future because they will be asking questions about your prospects even if they pretend it isn't important. It is.

4. Get your knowledge levels up. Make sure you are up to date with current affairs, watch the news and read quality papers. Women do not appreciate stupidity and laziness is no excuse either. Current affairs are important in showing you know all about the world outside. If you travel a lot then this will help tremendously, if you don't have plans to travel, get some. Being able and willing to sort out vacations is essential in the grand scheme of things.

5. Do not extol the virtues of drinking in the bar 5 nights a week. This will never win any fair princess's heart. If you love your booze sort yourself out as there are other things in life too. Taking your lady for a drink is fine, but give them the impression that you live in there will get you absolutely nowhere - fast.

6. If you love your sport then fine,. If sport is a religion you may have a problem but everything by degrees guys. If you are serious about dating then ramming the subject of soccer, ball games or football down your date's throat will put them off in record time. Sport to the uninitiated is completely boring and shows not only sheep mentality to a woman but lack of thought, creativity or inspiration. Millions of girls love sport too and that is fine but don't make your passion into a one-sided one.

9. Never expect sex on a first date. If all you are after is sex you have come to the wrong place for reading material. If you are looking for the girl of your dreams there is nothing more sexy than a patient man. You are easily capable of waiting for the right woman so do it instead of thinking with your balls.

10. Sort out your educational knowledge of manners, courtesy and chivalry. A woman likes being treated well, particularly with respect. Lose the coarse language, the swear words, the rudeness and the laziness. Know how to eat in a top restaurant, know about fashion and jewelry and in particular flowers. Know how to hold a door open for a woman, let her go first and help her with her seat. Listen to what she says but have opinions of your own too. Show her respect and manners at every step and you should not go wrong.

11. Start listening and stop talking. Keep your date interested but don't turn into a one man entertainer. She will bore of you quickly because she wants to talk about herself too. Listen to things she tells you about her and remember them. Women love to chat so you need to learn to listen to her. Remembering things she told you will impress her by the bucketful. Fact.

12. Give up smoking now.

13. Lean to dance even if you have two left flat feet. Women love to dance and dancing is a physical contact sport (or can be). It is also romantic and sexy. You can be the world's worst dancer, I don't care. But if you stay seated when she is on that dance floor you may as well not exist. If you can join Salsa and dancing classes all the better. You don't need to be Travolta but you should have an idea of the basics of rhythm. Get started today.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Dating tips: Six steps to get a successful online dating

6 Steps to Successful Online Dating

Online dating removes barriers that are there in the offline world, but also introduces many new obstacles in one fell swoop. This is the new age of dating, and unless you get yourself up to speed you could be missing out on the opportunity to find the love of your life – or maybe just an opportunity to have some fun!

Step 1: The Profile

This is a dating website and, like it or not, looks are a factor in how we decide who we want to date. Therefore showing a picture where your looking less than your best is a mistake you might live to regret. Spend some time on your profile and get it right. And, it's not just your picture that's important. What you write about yourself will mould how you’re perceived and will ultimately form the impression that potential daters will have of you.

Step 2: The Promise

While being step 2, this is rule one. It's easy to develop an online dating persona with the brains of Albert Einstein and the body of Brad Pitt. The problem is that if the relationship is ever going to come to anything then your going to have to meet in person. And, if it goes anywhere from there then he or she is going to have to get to know you. Therefore be careful about what you say, because one day you may well have to prove it!

Step 3: The Pitch

If you see someone you like then coy won't work online. With hundreds of thousands of profiles on dating websites don't think the person you like is going to find you by accident. Unless fate is on your side, you’re going to have to pitch yourself to your potential partner.

Step 4: Your Details

Everyone's heard the horror stories of what can go wrong when meeting people online. What's worse, when you're starry eyed and weak at the knees you can sometimes forget the fine line between being overly paranoid and downright stupid! You’re far better to opt for the first. Don't give away your details until you've got to know the person more and you think they're believable. Remember some things can be too good to be true.

Step 5: Your Due Diligence

Before going on a date with someone you met online, you have some preparation to do. Search for the person online and see if you can find anything on them. Are they on a social networking site? What do people say about them and how do they act there? It may take browsing but most people have some online footprint, which you can use to track them down. Do you know where they work? Maybe you could use this information to verify their identity. If you have any doubts at all, whatsoever, bring a friend along with you or suggest a double date.

Step 6: Your Date

Online dating is all about one thing, and that's offline dating! And, let's face it, it can be a fun journey along the way. Be yourself, be courageous and have fun!

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Dating tips: 8 Essential to help you get a love online

It is estimated that some 20 million people worldwide use an internet dating service at least once a month and with so many people looking for a partner, there is no reason why you cannot be one of them.

Online dating is a huge industry with more and more people using the internet not only to buy and sell personal items, do research, book flights and do internet banking to name a few but also to find love and friendship with people from all walks of life and from every continent on the planet.

There are thousands of online dating and personal ads sites on the internet with some being established since the early nineties, indicating that online dating is now well and truly established and for some people, a very important aspect of their daily life.

If you are new to online dating don't be concerned, you really aren't alone. Below I have listed a number of key points and tips to using online dating websites and how to effectively "promote" yourself and find the soul mate that you have been searching for for so long.

One of the most important things to do when signing up to an internet dating website is to create a catchy and interesting profile of yourself. Nobody wants to date someone boring and uninteresting so....

Know what you want

Its important that before you step into the arena you know what it is you want. Don't got into dating blind. Think long and hard about the kind of person you would like to meet including characteristics, personality, looks, wealth, sense of humour and occupation.

Be humorous not boring

When communicating with others be humorous and witty and try to refrain from being boring. Some people are naturally humorous but for others this will only come when you learn to relax when speaking to strangers. It can be awkward speaking to someone new at first but in time you will relax and feel more and more confident and outgoing.

Take an interest in the other person

Remember that there are two people in every relationship. Its important that when not speaking about yourself you take a keen interest in the other persons life and listen to what they have to say. It can be very off putting to try and communicate with someone who is only interested in themselves.

Be honest

Be as honest about yourself as you can as lies have a way of eventually catching up with you. After all, I'm sure you wouldn't like to meet someone who has told a few untruths about themselves! At the end of the day, you may decide to meet up with someone you have been talking to, so what's the point in telling them something about yourself that ultimately isn't true?

You Must be confident

Confidence can be a very attractive quality in a person but try not to go overboard and turn your confidence into arrogance as this can be a very big negative for some people.

Use some great pictures

With most online dating websites you can upload a picture or two of yourself to your profile to show your prospective partners what you look like. Make sure that you take the time in picking a few good ones, as a good picture of yourself can make a good first impression when searching through personal ads and profiles.

Use a number of dating sites

Why limit yourself to one website when there are hundreds to choose from? Ok, I'm not saying to register with all of them unless you have a lot of time on your hands not to mention money but there is no harm in signing up with a few to get a feel for which ones are providing you with the best and most suitable enquiries.

Don't give up

Don't give up! It can take a long time to find the right person but the wait will be worth it I can assure you. Just go with the flow and enjoy the experience of meeting and learning about new people. The person that you are longing to meet is out there somewhere and its just a matter of time before you come together. Happy dating!

Friday, December 21, 2007

Dating tips: Meeting someone for the first dating

Have you ever met someone for the first time you were very interested in? Someone who you thought that was sweet, nice, and compatible to your personality? If the answer is yes, then keep reading. If the answer is no, just keep reading. :)

Meeting someone for the first time that you think might be your soul mate or a perfect partner for you might have some consequences. Here’s why:

1. You have to ask yourself if this is lust and not love.

2. People change over time and it’s heart-breaking for them to see that as the relationship progresses.

3. The chemistry and passion is the not the same anymore.

4. It’s hard for most people to commit to a relationship. This results in cheating and lying.

5. People are blinded by love and they don’t see the flaws in a relationship unless they come into their senses.

I am not trying to be cynical here. All I am trying to say is be careful with your heart. Falling in love after meeting someone for the first time is not good. I have seen people fall into this category. Most of them end up breaking up which led to seeing other people. My advice to you is to be patient and let love come to you. If it’s meant to happen, then take the opportunity.

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