Thursday, January 31, 2008

A friend asked you to be her wing-girl and you said yes. Wait, what?

A friend asked you to be her wing-girl and you said yes. Wait, what? You don't know how? Then this will help you!

The Steps you need to do

What is a wing-girl? Well think of it like this - your the screening process! You make sure he'll be good for your gal and that she'll love him.

What do you do? Well it's easy, your girl picks out a guy she likes and you make a plan.

Find a place where he hangs out, make sure there are other people around. It'll be kinda awkward if you talk to him alone.

Have your friend make a single to you as a sign to start being the wing-girl. Making a 'ok' sign or holding up a item is used a lot.

Unless your really shy - walk up and start talking. Use basic question's, and make sure there question's that don't have an yes or no answer for them. Make sure he really talks so you get a feel of him. If your shy then you need to back down and tell your gal that you can't do it. It's better to be honest then to lie and have her make a fool of herself.

Trying asking him question's that will let you find out what he's like, or ask his friends. Find out if he has a girlfriend right away, that way you can back down and not waste time.

Take your time asking the question's. And also try to hint at things that your friend does to see if he likes them or not.

When you think you have enough info make up a excuse, you have to go to the bathroom, you need a drink, you want more food, you need to make a call- anything! Just make sure you back away and when he's not looking go to your friend.

Give her the 411, tell her everything you found out. Even things that might not seem helpful. Even tell her things you assume about him, but tell her that your not sure about them.

Make her go and start talking to him like you did. She might do it right away or she make take her time. If she's shy you might want to walk with her to him.

Once that is done just stand there with the two for a little while. Start the question's up and whenever it gets awkward or weird you fill in.

Make another signal with your friend, this one she will give you when she thinks that your done. Don't complain or anything, just leave when she wants to. Go talk to someone else or do whatever you want.

Make sure she will be your wing-girl whenever you want.

Use easy singals that you both will remember.

If your too shy to talk to any guy's, then don't be a wing-girl no matter how cool you think it sounds.

Sometimes being a wing-girl can be boring, but it's worth it in the end.

Be careful! Sometime the guy your questioning starts to like you, if that happens - drop it. Tell your friend you can't do it anymore and why, she'll understand.

Sometimes a "mission" or whatever you call it, can take a very short time (one day) or a long time (a month or longer).

If you start to get a crush on the boy. Tell your friend, don't hide it. Because if they do hook up, you'll be jealous and that can ruin your friendship.

Dating tips, free online dating, dating tips for men and woman,relationship advice

Dating tips: Make a girl want to kiss me

If you do not have a girl friend, or have one and you think she might be getting turned off, follow these tips and they will help.

The Steps you need to do

1. Have great lips. No girl wants to kiss a guy with chapped, hard, cut-up lips! You should use chap stick frequently. Do not overdo it in such a way that you have a big clump of chapstick somewhere on your lips.

2. Don't be caught licking your lips! It might be "sexy" to guys when girls lick their lips, but some girls find it annoying or strange when a boy does this.

3. Make sure you have good dental hygiene. Brush teeth twice a day and don't forget to floss.

4. Keep mints in your pocket. Don't use gum too much; it's not as effective as mints because with gum, you produce more saliva.

5. Make sure you do not smell offensive. If you do, then don't even think of approaching the girl. Girls have very sensitive noses.

6. Have a lot of eye contact with the girl. If you are quiet she may think you don't like her.

7. Girls want to kiss guys they are attracted to. Girls don't expect you to look perfect, but you must look presentable.

8. Be thoughtful and considerate of her: open doors, buy her candy and flowers, send love notes or text messages or talk on msn/aim.# go to www.spaz-junkey.tk

More Advice

· Be yourself and do not be nervous! (Your nervousness only makes the girl nervous, and if she isn't nervous then that means you are doing well). Just "keep it real" and you will be fine! Be cool!

· Don't make her wait so long for another kiss - when you have the chance just kiss her.

· When a girl looks your way, try touching the sides of your mouth casually. Her first thought in her head would be kissing you.

· A way to let get her more comfortable is to hug her often, or put your arm around. Girls like this because they feel protected and safe. This will also breakig the touching barrier.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Dating tips: Do you Want to be a good online boyfriend or girlfriend

Do you Want to be a Good Online Boyfriend or Girlfriend

Are you worried about your relationship over the internet? Do you want to make your relationship better? Heres how to help you be better and feel better in your cyber relationship.

The Steps you need to do

Before you do anything in a cyber relationship, BE CAUTIOUS! Online predators are everywhere and you don't want to get caught up in a huge mess like this. Be careful, never give out your home phone number (give a cell phone number instead, or your work number), never give out your address, and by all means, Never give out any personal information that can reveal your identity.

Ask about their interests. Make sure that you ask simple questions like "Oh, you have a band? What do you play?" like a normal conversation. Learn as much as you can about him. Online relationships are the same as normal relationships, so conversations shouldn't be much different.

Do not lie. Lying in any relationship is bad. You don't want to get caught in it later or forget what you said because you will feel foolish and your relationship won't be strong because you won't trust each other.

Do not cheat. Just because it is an online relationship, and it is easier to get away with cheating, does not mean you should cheat. It is not right by any means and it is not fair to the other person.

Do not stay with them if you do not feel comfortable with this relationship. If they seem pressuring to meet and you do not want to, stand your ground. Its better to be safe than sorry.

Meet in a place with lots of people around when you both are comfortable. This would include busy restaurants, busy shopping malls, and any other busy place you can go. Do not invite them to your home until your relationship is healthy, steady, and you have been with them for quite a while to ensure as much safety as possible.

When You Have Met Your Dreams

Send them small gifts. Send small gifts such as chocolate, flowers, a card, etc. Send them to their place of work so they have something to cheer them up in the middle of the day. If they don't work, send them to their home. Don't make it too frequent, though, or they'll make it a habit of receiving those gifts.

Take them out on dates once in a while. When you're not talking online, go out on dates if they live nearby. Take them out to the movies, or a fair going on nearby. Small dates do wonders for these type of relationships.

Don't get too attached. Take a break every once in a while from talking to them. You don't need to be conversing 24/7 and make sure it does not interfere with work/school/etc.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Relationship: Having trouble with your girlfriend or boyfriend? Relationships require time and effort

The Steps you need to do

  • Understand that every relationship is different. Don't compare your relationship to anyone else. Not your parent's, not your friend's, not your co worker's, not any other family member's, not that couple's relationship that seems perfect all the time, not anyone's, because that won't help!

  • Work on your relationship every single day. Do your part to contribute towards the relationship and keep it going and moving along. Maintain the relationship in every way possible. Work on strengthening your relationship, enriching it, in every way possible, on all levels possible, and in all areas possible (emotional, verbal, psychological, physical, etc.).

  • Get mental! The emotional, verbal, and psychological sides of the relationship are really more important than the physical or sexual aspects of the relationship. Work on creating, developing, strengthening, and enriching the emotional foundation or aspect before any physical involvement occurs.

  • Use the help available. You have lots of resources to use as an advantage to making your relationship better: Internet articles, magazine articles, and books are various examples. There are tons of these that are just specifically dedicated to giving advice about relationships. Use them! Whatever you can do to improve, enrich, and strengthen, your relationship (with the help of the resources available), do it!

  • Remember, relationships are a two-way street, there should be two people involved. So you could do everything you possibly could do to make it work, but if the other person isn't putting in their very best effort (or at least some effort at all) then it won't work out. You both have to actively participate in the relationship and keep it positive to make it the healthiest and best that it can be.

  • Every couple is different. There is no "right" way to make a relationship work (or a wrong way either). Every couple makes up their own love rules, love habits, love routines, love agreements, etc. Whatever works well for you two, works best for you two.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Relationship: How to making the relationship of you to work carefully

Having trouble with your sweetie? Relationships require time and effort. If you're willing to put in the work, here are some tips that could help you.

The Steps you need to do
  1. Understand that every relationship is different. Don't compare your relationship to anyone else. Not your parent's, not your friend's, not your co worker's, not any other family member's, not that couple's relationship that seems perfect all the time, not anyone's, because that won't help!

  2. Work on your relationship every single day. Do your part to contribute towards the relationship and keep it going and moving along. Maintain the relationship in every way possible. Work on strengthening your relationship, enriching it, in every way possible, on all levels possible, and in all areas possible (emotional, verbal, psychological, physical, etc.).

  3. Get mental! The emotional, verbal, and psychological sides of the relationship are really more important than the physical or sexual aspects of the relationship. Work on creating, developing, strengthening, and enriching the emotional foundation or aspect before any physical involvement occurs.

  4. Use the help available. You have lots of resources to use as an advantage to making your relationship better: Internet articles, magazine articles, and books are various examples. There are tons of these that are just specifically dedicated to giving advice about relationships. Use them! Whatever you can do to improve, enrich, and strengthen, your relationship (with the help of the resources available), do it!
More Tips
  • Remember, relationships are a two-way street, there should be two people involved. So you could do everything you possibly could do to make it work, but if the other person isn't putting in their very best effort (or at least some effort at all) then it won't work out. You both have to actively participate in the relationship and keep it positive to make it the healthiest and best that it can be.
  • Every couple is different. There is no "right" way to make a relationship work (or a wrong way either). Every couple makes up their own love rules, love habits, love routines, love agreements, etc. Whatever works well for you two, works best for you two.

Dating tips: Make a Girl Become Obsessed With You

The Steps you need to do

Be her hero: Whenever she is in trouble or worried about something, don't just sit there with nothing to say. Acknowledge that you don't have all the answers, and that you may not know exactly what she's going through.

Ask her how you can help, but don't insist that she let you. Be patient with anything she goes through and be supportive. When you can make a difference, do so without hesitation, but also cautiously, as you don't want to hurt her in any way.

Be calm: If you're the kind of guy that gets sweaty and stutters his words when he's around a girl, then just calm down. Girls don't bite! Just be yourself.

Don't lie about yourself: If you try to be emotional like in cheesy movies, then she'll think you're a freak.
Don't fly too deep into the "friends zone": Stop acting like you're "just a friend" for too long or that's exactly what you'll always be.

Don't rush: Give it time. This is where a lot of guys screw up. Don't mistake her kindness for her liking you as more than a friend just yet. She will grow on you eventually.
Make sure you know that she likes you more than just a friend, it can cause some sticky situations.

Care for your image: If you're wearing solid colored t-shirts that you bought from Walmart that don't even fit you, old worn out shoes that you mowed the lawn in 100 times, then you're a total turn-off.

Be charming: You at least must have some kind of charm to appeal to a woman. Think of the leading men from old movies; It's OK to watch them if it's for research purposes.

Be witty: Girls love guys who are great in conversations. It is also a show-off of intelligence, part of subconscious evolutionary preference.

If you don't possess wit, make sure you have other things to show off your intelligence. Academic excellence, athletic achievement, or any kind of creative abilities whether artistic or literary will do. It could be mathematical, spatial, logical - analytical or just about anything to show that you have a highly developed brain.

Be as attractive as possible: This is a very important thing, accounting for 50% of preferences; above all other except when the person is sad, lonely, desperate and vulnerable. Remember that tall and lanky isn't always what a girl looks for, but sometimes broad shoulders can mean a world of difference when she wants to feel safe and protected.

Try to be funny: This relaxes the girl. A person is more responsive and receptive to suggestions when relaxed. This is similar to being witty, but with higher importance. It helps you connect with her logically/intellectually. She will enjoy your company and won't be bored. The girl will also think highly of you even though you're not really that good.

Display intelligence and confidence: Women who are rich, successful and independent want someone who is an equal.

Be financially independent: Most of us aren't blessed with wealth, but be able to pay your own way. Women don't like freeloaders. Women want a man who can provide enough money to afford a life.

Be secure and reliable: Part of security is confidence but it really involves more than that. There are other security items like physique or intellect.

Don't be too pushy:It's a really bad turnoff to always be around her and touching her and flirting obnoxiously with her when she is NOT interested and has never shown any interest at all. Girls find it really annoying when a guy is like that

Don't flirt with other girls too much: a girl might really like you but if she sees you dancing or talking with another girl... she'll think that you don't like her and will probably stop liking you because she thinks you might like another girl better.

Relationship: Do you want to get your girlfriend to Kiss and Hug you more often

Many men in relationships feel that their other half rarely makes romantic gestures. This can be very detrimental to their self esteem and happiness in the relationship. However, the problem has a very simple solution which can be mastered by anyone.

The Steps you need to do
  1. Show her affection, when walking in the mall, hold her hand, or hold her hand in the movies. When you greet her, give her a kiss, show her you care about her. Snuggle next to her on the couch, with your arm around her, and your fingers playing with her ear lobe, or her neck. When you give affection, you will get it. Bend down and give her a soft kiss, and she will return it.

  2. Be lovable! Make her want to be around you. Have a good sense of humor, and do not complain to her about things that bother you. Discuss things that you both have in common. Become best friends, and show her you care!

  3. Wear a pleasant scent cologne or after shave, so she will enjoy having your cheeks next to each other. Many women find certain scents to be annoying, so check and see if she likes it first. Practice good hygiene, and wash your clothes.

  4. In order to receive affection, you must give it as well. Do not wait for her to do it first or it becomes a game. If you are not comfortable with each other, don't laugh at things, or don't enjoy walking hand in hand, then you will never get affection from her because she just will not care about you.

  5. Compliment her when she does something nice. Do not just be false in your words. Be honest and she will enjoy you more. Do not prepare a script of how to have her show you affection. Do not plan it. It is a normal act, that is displayed when one truly cares for the other. Just be yourself, be fun to be with, enjoy her company and show it in little ways.

  6. Bring her something special when you go to meet her. It doesn't have to be anything big, it could be a candy bar, or a funny card. Its a nice gesture to show that you are interested in her, and want to please her.
More tips
  • Show her affection, and she will return it.

  • If you are nervous about giving the first kiss, be ready for her to; if she leans in to kiss and you back away without knowing she's trying to kiss you, you look like a fool.

  • Make sure she is actually interested enough to go to that stage with you over something like the movies or cinemas. Some girls might see that as something to take slow and not to rush. Keep that in mind.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Ask Your Girlfriend or Boyfriend to Lose Weight

stages;steps which you do

1. Confront the person you wish to talk to about losing weight.

2. Tell them that you want them to be here for a long time, and that you want to help them to be healthy.

3. Focus on health, rather than looks. It is important to explain that you are attracted to them now, and that should not be the primary focus.

4. If they agree, get rid of all the junk food in the house, including soda, high sugar cereals, etc.

5. Replace all the junk food with fruits, vegetables, high fiber cereals, water, vitamins, etc. It won't hurt for you to stop eating the bad foods also. Plus, if you're eating the same things, it will make it easier on the both of you.

6. Do yoga, go to the gym, jog, and take walks together. Doing it together will help to keep your loved one motivated to keep going, and the more weight they lose, the better they will feel.

7. During the entire process, give your mate encouragement. Say how good he or she looks, how well he or she is doing, how proud you are, etc.


· Go in with a positive attitude, it will make it a lot easier to open up to your mate.

· Don't try to force anyone to lose weight. When someone is forced to do something, they're more likely to quit in the beginning.

· For a little competitive spin, go to the school's track, and race each other on foot. You'll have fun and lose weight in the process.

· Be mindful of that person's pitfalls. What leads or contributes to his or her weight gains? When there are physical or emotional attachments (giving birth, a newer source of stress, an illness, grieving a death), be mindful that coping methods are developed for a reason. Somtimes, that person simply has never been exposed to healthy eating, healthy portions, or quality exercise.

· Make it a part of your daily lifestyle, rather than a short-term goal.

· Keep a weight loss log on the fridge, your name on one side of the paper, your mate's on the other side. Week 1, lost 3 pounds, etc. At the end of the month, you can add it up, and see how much each of you have lost. You don't have to keep the starting weight for everyone to see, or you could even just record the percent loss a la the television show The Biggest Loser.

· There are many people and information in your area, and online, as far as vitamins, weight loss regimens, excersises, foods, and so on.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Relationship: How to repair your love relationship after you get fighting

I have been built my relationship during 5 years and still. But not marriage yet. During 5 years, we through happy sad, desperate, laugh, cry period. You know, for me is not that easy to maintain my relationship.

Many or deal that we have to battle with, outside and inside. But now i just want to discuss and give you tips from my experiences with inside ordeal.

what I mean with inside ordeal is miss understood between me and my couple that evoke us got fighting but before i give you the tips you must kow, that this is difficult to do for you that have no willingness to repair and make your relationship going better.

The tips for couple are
  1. Think what your mistakes first.
    If you get fighting with your couple. Do you know, that actually both of you are wrong? Think your false, don't ever blame your couple this all happen just because of your couple. Don't include your emotion when you are thinking think objectively.

  2. Discuss
    Sit down, calm down, talk. Ask your couple. to tell what things actually make him or her angry and sad. Just listen until your couple finish. Then, explain to your couple anything that needs. to be explain. and after it clear, continuing with what do you feel and need to be explain. Don't include your emotion in this conversation.

  3. finish your problem just in day not more
    More and more you tow your problem will broaden the problem it self, wasting time and useless. Speak up your mind, soon after you got fighting but you must cooling down do not include your emotion.

Those are my tips from my experience. I know it really hard, becouse we still full emotion. But we have to realize that basically we still need each other. Don' l let our emotion cover our logic.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Way to get a girl in junior high school or especially in high school

What follows are some tips and strategies to get a girlfriend as early as middle school. If you're new to dating, or if this is your first try, these tips depending on how you use them can help you get the girl you've had your eye on!

The Steps you need to do

  • Find out her name, and learn whatever else is available about her. (ex. Name, phone number, address, e-mail address, class schedule, her friends, etc...) This information will definitely come in handy later. Especially information that will help you contact her outside of school.

  • Ask yourself if you like her for the person she is? This means personality, interests, and so on. Of course, you might not know these things about her yet. If all you know about her is how she looks, then looks alone are fine for now. But remember, as things move on, who she is as a person is most important. Respect her for who she is. If at any point you do not like the way she does things or acts, then it's time to think about finding someone else.

  • Let her see you seeing her. Snag a few glances at her during class, sometimes she might look, if she does try to smile at her until she breaks the stare. If it's held more than 3 seconds, break it. Then try later that day.

  • Walk beside her when you have the chance. But, don't do it in a way that is uncomfortable or seems strange. It works against you if you're making her feel uncomfortable about it. Instead, pick a time when it will seem natural and comfortable to both of you.

  • Look for chances to talk to her. When you have one, throw some humor into the conversation. But don't just change the subject to one you like. Remember, you are already interested in her. Your goal, is to get her to be interested in you.

  • This means you want to talk about subjects she likes, so long as you are able to make it worth her time to talk to you. If you can't, try a subject you both like; but remember what she likes is more important than what you like. You only need to like it enough to give her a conversation she will enjoy.

  • If you have school dances or a friend of yours is having a party where dancing is included, ask this girl to slow dance for a song. This will let the girl know that your interested in her, but do not annoy her by asking her over and over.

  • Show interest in her as a person. The key to getting a person interested in you is to be interested in them. (You should be interested anyways if you followed step one.) But, be careful about questions which make her uncomfortable. Everyone has things which they will only feel comfortable sharing when a certain level of trust is formed.

  • The best way to start a conversation is to ask about something commonly important to everyone (ex. lunch, or a social event), then comment on it, from there the conversation should bloom. If it doesn't, try using a different subject.

  • Call her sometimes just to talk.

  • Read her body language. If she feels uncomfortable about something, guide the conversation to something else. However, don't stick to super safe subjects like what she did that day. If she stops talking, see what happens when you restart the conversation with a new subject. Whatever happens, always pay attention to her response.

  • Find out how she feels about you. She won't go out with you if she doesn't like you. A good way to find out is to talk to her friends. There is no need to "make the friend promise not to tell"; this only makes the whole situation feel uncomfortable and silly. They will probably tell her anyways, and on top of that tell her you wanted to hide it from her. That would not be good.
  • Instead, ask with confidence to show confidence. If her friend tells her you're interested it could help your chances. Maybe she feels the same way about you and was waiting to find out for sure. It might even put some interest for you into her. If you're comfortable enough to do it without looking nervous, ask her yourself.

  • Or else, just look at how she acts. By now you should already be talking to her. Pay attention to whether or not she continues the conversation or seems interested. Notice if she puts aside important tasks, or delays personal needs for a short time, just to continue talking to you.

  • Once something else become pressing enough to make her leave, let her leave and watch for when and how she returns. Does she delay leaving as long as she can, then return to you quickly? Or does she leave over the smallest reason, and not seem too concerned about returning?

  • Give her what the steps above got for you. Once you are both in a good, satisfying conversation that you both enjoy, sometime in the middle of it, ask her to contact you and give her a way to do it. Hopefully this will give her a sign that you like her, and she will call you. When she does, tell her how you really feel. Once you think she likes you ask her if she wants hang out or catch a movie or something.

  • Try to be friends first, but don't let it stay this way too long. You don't want to make her uncomfortable by trying to push her into something she is not ready for. At the same time, if she is waiting for you to make the next move you don't want her to loose interest and end up with someone else. After you've been talking to her for a while, and have become a good friend, start acting a bit more flirty. Call her sweet names, or say she's your best friend. Give her a chance to open up if she is the shy type.

  • Note her personality. Everyone likes different things, what attracts one person might push another away. If you and her have similar personalities, think of things in about the same way, or have similar interests - you're in good luck. If not, you can try to adjust yourself to her. But if it doesn't seem right, maybe it is a sign she is not the right one for you.
  • Show that you are a good sport That doesn't mean "good at sports"; it means "a good sport". If you two were in a contest, for whatever reason, compliment her even if she wins. Remember, you want to win her heart, not the contest. This means you want to keep some things balanced.

  • If you are exceptionally good at something, and she is not, let her beat you once in a while. Not enough to make yourself look weak, but enough to show you can handle it when you fail. On the other hand, if you are the one who is exceptionally bad, and she is exceptionally good, make it a point to beat her once in a while. Not enough to make her upset, just enough to show you are a capable person. Always remember to compliment her when the compliment is true.

  • Take her advice, then make the best decision from it. If she tells you to do something (that's within reason!!!) do it. Such as getting a certain outfit, haircut, new binder, etc... This will let her know that you actually pay attention to her, so she won't be left in the darkness. But, don't let it seem like you cannot think for yourself. You want her to know that you are able to listen to her, understand her, and consider her in your decisions. But, you don't want her to feel like you have no thoughts of your own, or that you only pretend to agree because she told you to.

  • Be a like-able form of...your self. Nobody likes a mean guy, even if he is popular. But a guy who is always "sweetie and niceness" is a guy most girls will only want as "just a friend". A real person with real feelings is both more believable and easier to be anyways. Your goal is to be like-able to her, which of course depends on what she likes. Not what you like, and not what anyone else likes either. Pay attention to how she reacts to the way people behave, because everyone is different. But always act the way that most benefits her at the time.

  • Show that you're concerned about her and can notice how she feels. One thing we all like is someone who cares!

  • Flirt! Smile at her, wave at her when she comes into a room, give her a thumbs-up if she gets a question right in class. Talk to her, but not only in a friendly way. If she looks tired, smile and say, "You look tired today."

  • Once you know she truly likes you as a person, make your move to make her your girlfriend. Tell her straight up how you feel. Something like "I think you are beautiful, and I like you a lot." works very well. Or, if you aren't brave enough to do this, you can just ask her, "Do you want to go out?" That's simple enough and works fine, too.

  • When she makes her decision about if she wants to get together, respect her decision even if she says no (remember this). And if she says yes, pat yourself on the back, you have succeeded!

Importaint Notes

There is no reason to be afraid of going out with a girl who has big boobs, is deliberately sexy, or likes to flirt with guys.

However, it is important these things not be the only reason for liking her.Physical attraction is the start of a relationship, but by itself it cannot make the relationship last.

Unless you also like her as a person you're only wasting her time as well as your own. Things will never work out if you're just using her. She might not blame you personally, depending on the kind of girl she is; but if you're only with her for her looks, expect to be dumped as soon as a guy with more serious feelings comes her way.

If you've known her for a while before realizing you like her, don't change your style ever!! A fake person, even if they do everything right, will never be as attractive as a real person who does some things wrong. If she already knows how you are it's ok to improve yourself, but never, ever, try to fake yourself.

Don't give yourself up for her. Don't change your whole life just for her. Make some sacrifices, but think of what you would give away to have her. And ask yourself if she really wants someone who would give away his soul over one little date. If she does, do you really want to be with her?

Talk! Instant messaging and Google talk are "OK" but not as good as in person. As much as is practical, talk to her in person more than you talk to her online.

It is a matter of quality. Talking in person is a higher quality kind of talking, and is worth the cost in effort when ever you can afford the effort.

Always listen. Listen when you are talking. Listen, listen, and listen. Oh, and don't forget...listen!

Timing is everything Although it will matter less once the relationship is established, in the beginning the right time, right place, and right mood can make all the difference in how she reacts. This is especially true of choosing the best time for "turning points". Example, when you ask her out for the "first date", or when you ask her to go from "just friend" to "girlfriend".

Patience is a huge virtue in flirting and getting a girlfriend. Don't let yourself get dull if it's taking a while.If she is short on money for a snack at the concession stand, or for something you find out she wants or likes, pay the difference for her or pay for it all the way. But don't over extend yourself and end up unable to pay for other stuff later.

Notice things she likes so you can surprise her with a special lunch or going to a fancy restaurant she'll like.

Notice her favorite foods. If she likes chocolate give her some on a day she feels down. If she is allergic to milk and has always wanted to try chocolate, search on a website because you can order milk-free chocolate. But it doesn't end with chocolate, make note of everything she likes and doesn't like. Remember to pay attention to her choices, it's about what she likes not what some other girls like or what you like. Also, variety. The same thing every time gets old.

Offer her things she likes to eat at random, but avoid having a pattern. Make this type of thing a pleasant, but unpredictable, surprise.

Never give her things she is allergic to. And don't expect to get away with saying you didn't know. Of course, saying you didn't know is better than nothing; but if you were paying attention to the steps above you should already know what she is allergic to and what to avoid.

Give her other things she will like, such as necklaces or rings. Start with what you already know she likes or wants. Next, things you know she has an existing need for, or that will make things she already does better or easier in some way.

Remember, useful things she has a use for. Not useful things you have a use for.

The second biggest mistake men make is buying utility items they think are cool, which their girl has no interest in.

But, the even bigger mistake is giving girls useless pretty things because some men believe in a stereo-type that says "women prefer pretty things over useful things."

The truth is, your girl wants things that are useful to her for things she likes to do.
If she happens to be a carpenter power tools are fine, but chances are she is not a carpenter.
Find out what she likes to do, and use it to discover what she would want.

You are not trying to date yourself, you are not trying to date others who give you advice, and you not trying to date some other girl...you are trying to date one specific, unique, individual girl...her.

It's not about what you want, or what a TV show says girls want, it's about what she wants!

Stay in contact at all times. The worst mistake is to not talk to her over the summer, or other extended period of time.

Remember the 3 C's:

Comfort - Let her know she can always come to you if she needs a shoulder to cry on.

Compliment - Tell her how pretty she is. It is much better if you tell her and she doesn't ask you, like, if she has a pretty shirt. Of course, if she asks, give her the most positive honest answer you can. But, you want to tell her without her having to ask, "what do you think of my shirt?"

Confidence - Confidence does not always mean aggression, bravery, or not having fear. In fact, not having fear when a normal person would have fear can equal "an act" or foolishness. Confidence means how ever you act, what ever you do, how ever you really feel, you believe you are capable of doing your best, there is a way for things to work out, and you are not too scared to make well thought choices or let your feelings show.

When asking a girl out, don't be nervous. It will either make your crush even more nervous, or think she can find someone better, and can cause her to say no.

Never give other girls more attention than her. Some girls have trouble dealing with competition. Others are excited by the challenge. But no one wants to feel ignored. Make sure she gets more attention than the others, and if she still reacts poorly just stop giving other girls attention altogether.

Relantionship: How to Know if a Girl is the One for You

Become good, casual friends with the girl in question. Don't call her every day and talk for hours. When you talk to her, be sincere, honest, and entertaining when you run into her downtown, or in class, or at a coffee shop. Get to know her in moderation; if you overexert yourself trying to get to know her, you will increase the risk that you seem dependent or clingy.

Get to know her friends. We humans are social creatures, and often, our close friends are good representatives of how we ourselves are; e.g., if one of her close friends lies and deceives on a regular basis, keep that behavior in mind. A girl might not be the one for you if she and her friends are frequently dishonest.

Look for the opportunity to suggest going somewhere, just the two of you. This opportunity is best taken advantage of at a time when both of you are laughing, smiling, or otherwise having a good time. Do not meekly ask if she wants to go; instead, suggest that you both go somewhere together. e.g.: "I know this great restaurant downtown. Let's go there together on Friday!" If she seems uneasy, she may not find you attractive, or she may not be sure of her own feelings. This is a fact of life. If you are truly being yourself, and the two of you clearly enjoy each other's company, she may simply not be interested in you beyond friendship. Accept it and move on, staying friends with her. If she accepts your suggestion, congratulations.

Make your intentions with your first date clear from the get-go. Understand that your first date, but more specifically,how you yourself approach it, is the most important way to tell if a girl is right for you. In order to get an accurate perspective of what a girl is truly like, you must present yourself as the confident, cool person that you know yourself to be. (If you are uncomfortable with yourself, it will be hard to tell who is right for you, since most girls don't date insecure people).

Make it explicitly clear that you're going on a date, and are not going just "as friends". Clarify with a joke. An example for a girl with a good sense of humor is, "So, when do you want to make babies - before, or after dinner? I might not have time before." This type of comment can lead the conversation into brief seriousness to clarify that you want a date, and prevents the awkwardness of simply bringing up the topic for no good reason.

Judge how easily and comfortably you are able to talk with her about both trivial and serious issues. A long, successful relationship relies almost exclusively on good conversation. If you find yourself struggling to find something to talk to - not out of nervousness, but simply because you've both "run out of things to say" - then she may not be the one for you. However, if the two of you feel no pressure, and can simply enjoy each other's company and the date itself, then you've found yourself a pretty good woman!

Understand that maintaining the relationship becomes harder as time goes on. More and more annoying things about both of you are revealed over time. Maybe she discovered you bite your nails. Maybe she doesn't wash her hair often, or flirts with your friends. If you are able to confront your partner easily about these sorts of annoying traits, and either correct the trait outright, or simply choose to laugh with/at your partner instead, you've found yourself a great woman and a great relationship. If you are unable to confront your partner easily, your relationship might not last that long.

Once you've passed the three year mark, it should be pretty clear whether or not this person is right for you. Arguments will occur, surely, but you will be able to simmer down and resolve the conflict without much trouble.
It takes time... alot of time...


  • Learn to be yourself around everyone you know. Above all things, in any social situation - you have to become comfortable with who you are. Achieving self-understanding is the best way to demonstrate confidence, a trait that nearly all women find to be attractive. While this suggestion is merely listed as a tip, consider it to be a fundamental part not just in these steps of finding out what girl is the one for you, but for success in life as a whole.

  • Remember birthdays, anniversaries, and the things in life that she loves above all else. Don't make a huge deal out of remembering these dates and her favorites - but every once and awhile, surprise her with something that shows you are aware of what she wants. Don't make these surprises habitual, or you will seem clingy or obsessive.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Dating tips: Make a girl interest with you

Step of you've got to do
Get yourself out there and let the world know you're available! Maybe the girl you're crushing on is crushing on you too, but thinks you're taken. Drop hints that you like her or just bluntly say so. Get involved in activities. Girls like guys that are doing things - especially sports. And on the plus side, if you join a school team, more girls will notice you so you have more options.Be bold. Girls always like confidence, so tell her what you have to say. There is always a time for subtleties later.

Use humor; it's a great way to win over girls. By doing this you make that special someone feel more comfortable around you. Try to avoid dirty jokes and such (ex: jokes that your guy friends would find funny), and mostly go on wit and quips.

Be romantic and sweet to her.

Don't just come out and say "Do you want to go out with me?" because when you say that, it ruins the mystery and tension. Just find another way to tell her.

Be yourself. Girls like boys who are themselves. And make sure you know the girl! While girls appreciate an honest boy, if who "you" are is not what the girl is into, you're not going to get very far. If she won't like you for who you truly are, she's not worth it.

Dig up any information you can find out about her. Search for her hobbies, interests, music she listens to, friends she likes, etc. Just understand her general style and adapt to it. The first thing a girl looks at is a guy's style.

Talk to her about stuff she is interested in - such as music she likes. Most importantly, try to get her to talk about herself, then build on that. People are naturally more comfortable talking about themselves anyway. Think of it as an opportunity to find out more about this girl so you can determine if you want to pursue her further. Also, if you are stuck on some conversation starters, remember the two starters that always seems to work: food and weather. Be funny and crack a joke every now and then or tell a girl an embarrassing story, but don't gossip! Most girls hate guys who gossip, but love guys who are funny.

Ask her to hang out. If you get to know each other better you may end up going out or you may end up realizing she wasn't the girl for you anyway.

Always be polite. Take into consideration the girl's feelings.

Be a gentleman. Open the door for her, pull out her chair before she sits down, don't interrupt, etc. Those things show a poised, graceful man, and girls like that. You can't act like you do around your male friends.

Don't be too clingy, Give her space.

When you talk to her, don't go on about your vacation in Hawaii. Ask questions and show her you are listening, girls like to talk out stories and such.

Don't swear in front of her. Girls don't want to hear you swear every ten words.

Be sure to try to talk to her as much as possible, and if you like her, just go for it!

Make sure you remember her birthday and special dates like your anniversaries if you start dating, because otherwise you may get in trouble if she or you bring the subject up.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Dating tips: Successful Dating For a Guy’s

When going out on a date there are some basics that are worth listing in a quick list to cover the essentials. Whilst we all know this stuff it is always worth reminding ourselves as guys as to how to get the foundations right.

Take a bath
Don’t under estimate it on your date especially on your firt date You have to shaven, looking clean, and smell good.Women are the cleaner of the species and will judge you on how hygienic you are, after all, you would be appalled if she turned up for the date looking like a hippie that hadn`t bathed for a while (no offense). It doesn`t cost to take a bath and make an effort. Remember bad breath and body odor are an instant turn off and she will assume that this is how you are all the time. Even if you are just having a bad day (hey, girls have bad hair days all the time) she won`t see beyond your appearance - fickle, but true!

Be on time
Never ever be late on your date, you will mess up everything.Women always assume the worst and one of the worst is turning up late. Not only will she think that she has been stood up, but will also think that you are unreliable. If you are picking her up from her home, then it is advisable to turn up 5 minute before you are due. Any earlier and she will be adjusting her make up, or still getting ready and won`t want you to see her half finished. Turning up late... well just don`t!

Be a man
Treat her make she feels, that you respect and appipeciate her.Women like to feel special and by treating her like a lady she will think you are fantastic.

Woman love compliment.
The first sentence you have to say when you meet her is ”you look beautiful”. Keep the compliments flowing throughout your date, such as "your hair looks nice, I like the color of it, your eyes are very sparkly" etc.. But do not go overboard! A woman loves to be complimented, feel sexy, gorgeous and beautiful. However, most important of all, she needs to feel you are attracted to her.

Good listener and ask questions
You have to get to know each other. Ask her questions, but more importantly listen to what she has to say. There is nothing more that a woman likes than when someone is interested in what they have to say.

I remember once I was sitting in a restaurant waiting for some friends. There was a man and woman sitting at the table next to mine and I couldn`t help overhearing their conversation (rather him talking about himself). I could tell it was their first date from what he was telling her about himself. "I play Saturday league football, I like boxing".... He went on like this for about 10 minutes without stopping, or asking her questions. She was just sitting there nodding slightly every so often, and looking bored. That day left an impact on me, and every time I have been on a date since, I have been conscious of the woman, and took an interest in what she had to say. This is probably the best bit of advice I could give.

Be Prepare
Don’t make the conversaton dry’s up, and you are left for the rest of the night bored which each other. Think about your date and what you would like to know about her, and in return what you would like her to know about you. Try and think of any questions that she might ask you, so that you can prepare the answer. You think that it is easy to talk, and that you will not run out of questions to ask, or that you will automatically have the answers. But until you are there, and in the situation, you have no idea what it will be like. You can avoid all of this by meeting for a quick drink, then go on to see a film, so at least you will have something to talk about.

Who gonna pay
Now, woman are mare independent and like to pay their way. My advice is you offer to pay and if she lets you, then pay. If she wants to pay, you can argue that you want to at least pay for half the bill. If she offers to split again, you can argue (that is if you want to), but if she insists on splitting then let her pay half.

Kiss on first date
Sometimes women prefer not to kiss after a date, others are disappointed if the guy doesn't even try. There is no easy answer to this. The only answer I can come up with is; wait until either she makes the first move, or that you both know when you are ready. Watch out for body language and little touches, but I would not advise sex on the first date unless she wants to.

I will Call You
Only tell her that you will call her if you mean it, and intend on seeing her again. This is an awkward situation, and most of the time the easiest solution is, to take her number and tell her you will call her, but don`t if you are not interested. When saying good-bye just say "It was nice meeting you" and wish her luck, or you could just say good night, smile, and walk away. But if you do like her and are interested, then you have to let her know.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Dating tips: Get the right time to get girl out

Right time is the most important factor for successfully dating.Timing in respect to the best time to ask a girl out, with respect to what night to ask her out first and even with respect to when in your lives you actually meet at all.

Sometimes when didn’t work, it wasn’t becouse the girl you dated were wrong for you. Most often it was because we simply met at the wrong time in our lives. To meet a great girl who wants to get married to you when you are aged 22 may just be wrong timing. Meeting a fantastic lady when you are working abroad or on a short contract in a different location may be bad timing and meeting someone who wants children when you are not yet ready is again bad timing. It cannot be helped and often it is a sad truth in life. The people we would have matured with best are often the ones we encountered just at the wrong moment in time. One cannot go back and one cannot rekindle something lost in time, so we have to accept that bad timing does happen with all of us.

The problem is we asking a girl out at just the wrong moment. We are attracted to someone and take the initiative or opportunity, only to discover that she got married three weeks earlier, or that she has just broken up with someone and is not yet ready for a new relationship. Maybe there has been a family crisis and the girl you are interested in is not predisposed for a romantic encounter. Three times in my life I have met great girls just as they (or I) were relocating to a new city! On top of this if you add illness and many other factors, there are plenty of opportunities for getting your timing wrong and invariably this is not your fault. Just a fact of life.

After someone accepts your proposal of a date, choose the best time to hang out.Your basic instinct is to go for a weekend because you won't need to go to work the following day and so can stay out later. Often there are more social events to go to at a weekend and more restaurants open and with better atmosphere. Clubs, bars and discos are all far more attractive at a weekend and offer many more possibilities of dating. Yet this may be a good example of bad timing.

You may think about the attractiveness of a week night which can work to your benefit when you are dating. Weekends are often the only real free time people have got and many now plan their weekends well in advance. I do not like being diarized but again it is a fact of life in the early stages of dating. However a week next Saturday for a date takes away some of the glamour I admit. Weekdays are fairly dull affairs in comparison and many are taken up with hobbies or simply commuting. They are also far less formal than a weekend and a first date on a weeknight can be seen as far more relaxed and informal.

Also, week nights are not late night affairs and an unsuccessful date can be gently brought to an end. So dinner after work may be a good thing after all. Also bear in mind that week nights can be dull and so a sparkling evening with you will do you and them no harm at all. In fact you are not competing with some other glamorous event the girl could have attended instead of being with you, so you are far less likely to face that troublesome contrast. Dating midweek also opens up the possibilities of more dates in a shorter amount of time and successful dates can quickly become longer prolonged weekend dates shortly afterwards.

Be a flexible man. Be flexible in your arrangements. Always offer a girl a choice of dates and locations and understand when she has reasons for doing other things. All too often when someone says no you automatically assume you are being given an excuse and that the truth lies elsewhere. You assume too much. Let her know that you are interested in her and that when things are better for her in her diary , that you can make some arrangements. Always stress that you are busy too and this will add to your overall appeal. Remember that you too must never be too available otherwise it comes across that you are uninteresting, or even worse, desperate. We have all heard the fabled excuse "I can't, I'm washing my hair tonight." That could be true.

On the other hand, lame excuses are just that, lame. They are mean to warn you off and persistence may be a good trait but it doesn't often win the girl. Interest factor is at play there and when a woman makes to many lame excuses it shows her interest factor is low. If she was very interested, believe me she will move heaven and earth to meet you. Therefore it is essential that you get your timing right and ask a girl out when there is the greatest chance she will say yes. That does not mean you should prey on her when she is at her lowest ebb. When a girl says no and means it, you will know it. Coming on to her after that and you become a menace so simply move in. It is a numbers game my friend.

Timing again. Asking a girl to dance when she has just met up with a huge group of friends will receive a negative response even if she likes the look of you. On the other hand, intercepting her at the bar whilst her friend is in the bathroom may well prove perfect. Try reading the signals of the situation in a positive way. Asking a girl to dance at 1am as the club is about to play the last song will usually get you nowhere unless both she and you are desperate. And what basis is that or successful dating?

Again, be flexible and semi available.If your timing is right, you could easily get lots of positive responses that will lead on to something more special. Not taking timing into account can have the opposite and most disheartening effect.

1. Understand about woman’s language when a woman has god reason to say no.

2. Be flexible when decide a time for dating

3. Don’t argue with her if she says no-move on

4. Pretend to busy yourself

5. Accept that some people you will meet at the wrong time

6. Choose a weekend for the first date

7. Find a good moment to approach a date in a bar of night club.

8. Dont’n be afraid to ask. The more you ask the more confident you will be

9. Don’t ask her out in the middle of a big group, choose the perfect moment.

10. Kepp smile even she says no

11. Try and know as much about your date's circumstances in advance only if she is known to you already

12. Choose the best moment to ask someone out.

13. Aware with the emotional situation, never ever ask her out when she is clearly busy or stressed or unhappy.

Friday, January 4, 2008

Dating tips: Dating & Relationship Tips

Dating Rules

The problem with the dating game is that there are dating rules to follow and most of them we forget as we grow older. You see, when we are young our fellow friends at school and college reinforce the way things should be done when dealing with potential dates. Yes you should wear that, no you never say that, yes you should do this, but no you never do that. Then we grow up. For a time we are completely aware of the rules of dating and we practice those rules every time we meet someone. But then we meet someone perhaps, fall in love and have a relationship. Little by little the things we learned over our formative years when dealing with the fairer sex are lost and are in fact unlearned.

Then one day we are unwillingly thrust back onto the dating scene only to find that we start behaving like 12 year olds. We call our dates too often, we are constantly available, we wear the wrong clothes, laugh at bad jokes like a fool, date the wrong people and generally get it all badly wrong. Then we get hurt or taken for a ride. Of course there will be some of you reading this that are the very epitome of dating sophistication, but the truth is, when you lose your heart you also lose your head. If you are going to date well then give these key do's and don'ts of dating some serious consideration. Dating rules are very important if you want to win and keep your perfect match.

Dating Rules - Do's

1. Do try to look your best and be punctual on dates

2. Do have fun when dating. I know the subject of Mr. or Miss Right is serious but dating is fun too so keep it that way.

3. Do flatter and compliment your date on the way they look and the things they wear. People tend to go to a lot of effort on a date (hopefully) so being told that you are looking good is a nice thing to hear.

4. Be interested and interesting. As the Pet Shop Boys once said, I was never bored because I was never being boring" or something similar. You get my drift.

5. Do tell someone if you are not interested in dating them again. Being lied to and hopes kept alive is an evil and malicious act (yes I mean it that strongly). If you don't want to see someone again then let them know that in the nicest possible way you can.

6. Do date the type of people you like and are attracted to, whatever your friends may say. Approval by your peers doesn't prove a thing.

7. Do stay positive even when dates don't end well. It is most certainly true that you will date a few frogs before you find a prince. Along the way you will meet some nice people too and make some good contacts possibly.

8. Dating is a creative diversion, it requires concentration and energy so when you are dating keep some plans in the forefront of your mind and allow dating to take you to places you always wanted to visit within your own city.

9. Do make dating happen for yourself. People will not come and ring your bell from nowhere. Dating requires positive action so go out there and meet people, as many people as you can. Practice your chat and flirting on shop workers, bar attendants, anywhere and everywhere. Being nice to people is very sexy and great fun.

10. Do surround yourself with positive like minded people who are also dating. Think about the girls from Sex and the City and how they assist each other in dating and matters of romance. Negative friends who don't condone the dating scene or don't understand it will only help lower your own expectations and make you feel negative.

Dating Rules - Don'ts

1. Never call someone more than once a day unless they reply. Desperation and instability are huge turn offs.

2. Don't date the people who you usually find dump you. You may be generally attracted to bastards but that will not get you anywhere except hurt.

3. For men, never ever be late for a date, even if you have a very good reason. Women should never be kept waiting and should never have to seat themselves - ever.

4. Never tell lies to your date or pretend anything about your life that isn't true. If this is your perfect match for God's sake do not allow it to be ruined by some silly lie told early on.

5. Never be too available. Being available every night of the week and at the end of every whimsical phone call or possible rendezvous means you are making yourself uninteresting and a possible doormat. Be busy, be unavailable generally and be interesting.

6. Don't give away too much about yourself at the start. People love enigma and mystery. Revealing to your new date your inner most secrets on date number two will quickly ruin everything. A small bit at a time people.

7. Never check other people out when you are with your date. You may think you are subtle , your date will be heading for the door. Have the courtesy of concentrating solely on your date when you are with them.

8. Don't be rude or get drunk on a date. Courtesy and manners will get you everywhere.

9. Don't ignore your personal safety when dating. Have a cellular phone and keep it charged, tell your friends where you are going and be safe. Date at first in well known public places and never ever be pushed into anything you are not happy with.

10. Don't give out personal information like home phone numbers and addresses on a first date. Keep them until you are sure of your date and the future possibilities.

11. Don't have sex on a first date if you ever want to see your new date again. If you like them and are interested in them, sex on a first date will usually ruin everything. Its too much too soon and is not the way of romance. Believe me I am 100% certain on this.

12. Never date a married person. They will not leave their husbands or wives for you (except exceptionally rarely). Married dating is the sure fire way to misery, lies, deceit, lack of self respect and loss of romance. If you are married, separate first. If you are single, don't be a shoulder to cry on, you deserve far better.

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